MX Linux 23.2 marks the second refresh of the MX-23 series, delivering a host of improvements to elevate your computing experience. This update, built on the robust Debian 12.4 “bookworm” base, brings forth a range of enhancements, from installer updates to new tools, making MX Linux 23.2 a compelling choice for both existing users and those exploring a reliable and user-friendly Linux distribution. Let’s dive into the key highlights that make MX Linux 23.2 a noteworthy release.

MX-23.2 featured image

What’s new about MX Linux 23.2?

  • Debian 12.4 Base: Built on the stable Debian 12.4 “bookworm” base, ensuring reliability and security.
  • Installer Updates: Enhanced installer with improvements in fstab generation, GUI simplification, and fixes for “toram” live feature users.
  • New Tools: Introducing “MX Locale” for system locale management and “Papirus-Folder-Colors” for creative theming.
  • AHS Xfce Release: Featuring the 6.6 Liquorix kernel, updated firmware, and Mesa libraries. Auto-update option available in MX-Packageinstaller.
  • Desktop Environment Changes: KDE/Plasma ISO swaps Webcamoid for Kamoso; Xfce and Fluxbox ISOs replace Webcamoid with Guvcview.
  • MX Comfort Themes Fixes: Resolved issues with white/black text on corresponding backgrounds for a consistent look.
  • Build-Essential Packages: “build-essential” packages included on ISO for offline driver compilation.
  • Pipewire 1.0: Improved audio and video handling for multimedia.
  • Updated Manual: Comprehensive documentation to keep users informed.
  • New Wallpaper Option: “MX LINUX Desert Landscape” for a fresh aesthetic.
  • Language Updates: Numerous updates for global accessibility.
  • Kernel Updates: All ISOs updated to the latest 6.1 kernel; AHS now uses the 6.6 Liquorix kernel.
  • Raspberry Pi Respin: Updated with the latest packages from MX and RPiOS repositories.

Download MX Linux 23.2

MX-23.2 is available for free download from project’s official webpage.

Download MX-23.2